Rise And Demise Of Atlantis

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Rise And Demise Of Atlantis


Contents And Train Of Thoughts

Prefatory notes 4 
Synopsis 5 
The Secret Doctrine is humanity’s common property 6 
1.    Prehistoric topology 7 
Atlantis was a global configuration of islands covering of what is now the mid-Atlantic Ocean, as well as portions of the Pacific, and had islands even in the Indian Ocean. Europe and America were connected by a land passage, of which Iceland, Madeira, and the other Atlantic islands are remnants. 7 
2.    Esoteric chronology 12 
Atlantis and its illustrious “Fourth Race” inhabitants sunk 856,000 years ago, coinciding with the elevation of the Alps. 12 
3.    Titans and Cyclopes of old belonged to the Atlantean Race 17 
Progressively, the human frame consolidated and symmetrised. Two front eyes developed but the “seers” sinned and lost the third. 17 
4.    After the separation of the sexes, Karman forced the creative gods to incarnate in mindless men 21 
Then, sight and speech developed, for language is coeval with reason. 21 5. Humanity had passed the middle point in the Great Cycle 24 
The door for further monads entering the human kingdom is closed and the balance struck. Many of us are now working off the effects of the evil karmic causes produced by us in Atlantean bodies. 24 
6. Prometheus is the pre-eminent Atlantean hero and philanthropist 26 He bestowed to animal man divine mind. But the gift was abused and became a curse. 26 
7. Angels fell but not Man 32 
The mystery of the Fourth Race “falling” into matter explained. 32 
8. Eminent Atlanteans are still kindling the Promethean fire 33 
Zoroaster, Ulysses, Noah, Kabiri, Telchines, and other heroic figures are none other than mankind’s divine instructors and true benefactors. 33 
9. Atlantis was a land of beautiful and strong giants 37 
Their Initiates commemorated images of the Five Races in stone for the instruction of future generations. 37 
10. Though perfected in materiality, they degenerated in spirituality 43 
Black magic, bestiality, selfishness, and self-adoration spelled the demise of that proud race. 43 
Glossary of key occult terms 46 Supplements to the “Rise and Demise of Atlantis” 51



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